This is a special update episode of The Grass Gets Greener podcast. I'm joined by Alan Eisenberg from episode 62. Alan rejoins me to talk about what he's been up to since he was first on the show, including his new book, Crossing the Line: A Cautionary Bullying Tale.
Click the play button below to check it out!
Mentioned in the episode:
- What it means to be an empathic or highly sensitive person
- The topics addressed in Alan's new book, including the effects of being bullied
- The trap of all or nothing thinking
- Why people engage in self-harming behavior
- The danger of victim blaming in bullying situations
- Alan's future plans, including something he hasn't mentioned publicly before
- The things Alan still struggles with today
- Some things we can do to help ourselves feel better
What Alan does today:
Alan is the founder of Bullying Recovery, LLC. He's also a certified life coach, a certified solutions-focused coach, a certified transformational coach and an author.
Final Question:
Given what you know now, if you could go back to when you were going through the tough times and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
Alan's Answer: This too shall pass.
Links Mentioned - Alan's website
Healthy University Podcast - Alan's podcast that covers a range of subjects and stories to help you become a better and healthier you
Standing By - Alan's play that he wrote with kids from his high school
YouTube - Alan's YouTube channel
The Bully Project - where you can learn more about the film, Bully
Books Mentioned
Crossing the Line: A Cautionary Bullying Tale - Alan's latest book about what happens when those that are bullied cross the line, deciding enough is enough and take matters into their own hands
A Ladder In The Dark: My journey from bullying to self-acceptance - Alan's memoir about his bullying experience
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns M.D. - about proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life
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