In this episode, I’m joined by family bullying survivor Nathan Segal. Nathan joins me to share his story of how he grew up a target of his family members who bullied and threatened him well into his adulthood and how he’s been able to overcome the effects of that to take his life back.
Click the play button below to check it out!
The Details
Traumatic experience:
Nathan was targeted by his family from a very young age to be the family scapegoat. He was also bullied at school as well. The bullying by his family members lasted well into his adulthood. He was made to believe that the family problems were his fault and that he had to fix them. His mother, in particular, involved him in emotional incest, and his brother cyberstalked him. Nathan has also received two death threats from his family.
Effects of the traumatic experience:
The years of bullying that Nathan was subjected to ended up destroying his self-esteem. There were also many times when he wanted to commit suicide. He's also suffered from PTSD symptoms including flashbacks and nightmares.
Overcoming the traumatic experience:
Nathan took martial arts classes in Krav Maga which helped him to build his confidence. He later found a coach who worked with him in NLP techniques that have helped him greatly in his healing.
What Nathan does today: Nathan is building a business with his coach to help bullying survivors with PTSD. Nathan also writes and does videos about his experience.
Final Question:
Given what you know now, if you could go back to when you were going through the tough times and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
Nathan's Answer: Walk away.
Links Mentioned - Nathan's website
End The War Within - Nathan's YouTube channel
Hamish Bayston - Nathan's coach who has helped him to heal through NLP techniques
How to Be Invisible - A guide to preserving your personal security
The Power of Now - The book that made Nathan realize that he was causing his own pain
408-844-4851 - Nathan's phone number
Nathan's email address - Nathan's email address
Affiliate Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you, and I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.
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Beverly says
This was so helpful to me. Thankyou . I was literally tortured by my family step siblings etc, for my first 11 years as well as others. Only when I remembered was I able to see the big picture and I am sure to aid recovery we need to find new strategies and somehow get rid of the brain washing. Very painful to walk away from family, when you also are aware they were victims to and being taught to harm me, but necessary sometimes for your own sanity.
Melissa Wilson says
Thanks for commenting, Beverly! I’m glad the episode was helpful for you.